- "Chaque vérité passe par trois étapes. Tout d'abord, elle est ridiculisée. Ensuite, elle est violemment opposée. Et enfin, elle est acceptée comme étant évidente." Arthur Schopenhauer, philosophe allemand (1788 - 1860)
- "Il n'y a que deux erreurs que l'on puisse commettre sur le chemin de la Vérité : ne pas aller jusqu'au bout, et ne pas s'y engager" Siddharta Gautama Shakyamuni (le Bouddha)
- "Les révolutionnaires ne sont pas des révoltés, ils sont la lueur de l'évolution, non le vent de la destruction.'' (par moi, avril 2009)
- "Les patriotes sont toujours prêts à défendre leur pays, surtout contre leur propre gouvernement qui détruit le pays pour son propre profit.'' (par moi, avril 2009)
I have seen the movie not a week ago(we are Sept 13th).
It's an opinion movie for sure. The number of opinion can be as various as there are humans being and even more. Some people have more than one proved by multiples X's on voting bulletins......anyways.....
The movie is original, well realized. And WAS actual. Picture is not very good and dialogs, nonexistent. It's a total improvisation and a sound catastrophe. I realize the limited funding(20k?)
In the movie, like in real life, there is a part of truth, based on visual and tangibles facts. And it's couterpart, a number of lies.But in this one, neither really count or is related.There is a very emotional side. Witch is the goal pursued by this movie. Shake you off.
For this it's a true movie.My own opinion is that this whole thing(911) is a setup.By whom? The film doesn't provide answer to that. I can't give it up either, I would end up at Guantanamo if I told you.......free vacations?!? In Cuba?!? Well.....
Since it's an opinion movie and not a documentary, the lack of scientific weight is obvious and intended. Some facts where indeed hidden to to viewer(the other side of the medal). Some others we're conviniently modified to ''fit the format''.
Even if they make sense, some ''facts'' we're invented by the actor/producer/director(s).
It's a real TV show, with add-on, rather than conventional cinema.Theses guys saw the opportunity and jumped into it. Good work.....well done. I support freedom of opinion and the right to express it. Wich is the fundamental basic of a free community and country.
This movie might actually been realized by.... some governement just to put a debate on. So we, like sheeps, focus on this endless discutions of who's saying the thruth. Instead of looking at the mess they're making of OUR World now.
Maybe... maybe not; They would have put more funding into it and they already got CNN, Flight 97(or whatever) and the Twins Towers ''from the inside'' and much much more.Take in consideration that others sources might as well do just the same as Loose Change is doing.
Should I repeat?
Only, with a greater budget, it looks more credible. ''Scientifics'' might easily be actors. The thruth is out there as someone I know would say.
If you find it, please share it.......
They are great only because WE are on ours knees......
The question that remains still is: WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO NOW?
Sit thight, enjoy the show.....The end of the world is at seven as said on television
DrFloyd for Abbittibbi News
Back in studio
Me and my multiples opinions....
I have seen the movie not a week ago(we are Sept 13th).
It's an opinion movie for sure. The number of opinion can be as various as there are humans being and even more. Some people have more than one proved by multiples X's on voting bulletins......anyways.....
The movie is original, well realized. And WAS actual. Picture is not very good and dialogs, nonexistent. It's a total improvisation and a sound catastrophe. I realize the limited funding(20k?)
In the movie, like in real life, there is a part of truth, based on visual and tangibles facts. And it's couterpart, a number of lies.But in this one, neither really count or is related.There is a very emotional side. Witch is the goal pursued by this movie. Shake you off.
For this it's a true movie.My own opinion is that this whole thing(911) is a setup.By whom? The film doesn't provide answer to that. I can't give it up either, I would end up at Guantanamo if I told you.......free vacations?!? In Cuba?!? Well.....
Since it's an opinion movie and not a documentary, the lack of scientific weight is obvious and intended. Some facts where indeed hidden to to viewer(the other side of the medal). Some others we're conviniently modified to ''fit the format''.
Even if they make sense, some ''facts'' we're invented by the actor/producer/director(s).
It's a real TV show, with add-on, rather than conventional cinema.Theses guys saw the opportunity and jumped into it. Good work.....well done. I support freedom of opinion and the right to express it. Wich is the fundamental basic of a free community and country.
This movie might actually been realized by.... some governement just to put a debate on. So we, like sheeps, focus on this endless discutions of who's saying the thruth. Instead of looking at the mess they're making of OUR World now.
Maybe... maybe not; They would have put more funding into it and they already got CNN, Flight 97(or whatever) and the Twins Towers ''from the inside'' and much much more.Take in consideration that others sources might as well do just the same as Loose Change is doing.
Should I repeat?
Only, with a greater budget, it looks more credible. ''Scientifics'' might easily be actors. The thruth is out there as someone I know would say.
If you find it, please share it.......
They are great only because WE are on ours knees......
The question that remains still is: WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO NOW?
Sit thight, enjoy the show.....The end of the world is at seven as said on television
DrFloyd for Abbittibbi News
Back in studio
Me and my multiples opinions....