

Toronto : May 1750.

History is for fools.

In an area near Niagara, and Fort Frontenac, located in the modern Ontario, on the north shore of Lake Ontario, was that place where most native would go by on their way to sell what furs the had captured.

They would go by there on their way to sell or exchange often for , every day items, clothes, firearms and alcools sold by the British to the native. The had to go across Lake Ontario and down near Boston to trade what they had hunt. That location was then better know as Toronto.

Pierre Robinau de Portneuf arrived on that nice day of May where the megapole is today. He immediatly settle, building a small wooden fort and a wharehouse to protect for France’s posessions and to start buisness at this location for the King of France. As this part of North America(comprised of Ontario, the Ohio valley all the way down to Louisianna and West to to Pacific Ocean) had been the rightfull posesion of France for the past 30 years. This settlement also helped reduce the native population dependency on southern posts for furs and trade.

The distances for them was reduce so greatly that the buisness grew to a surprising level for the french settler. France had sent M. La Jonquiere just the previous year as new general governor for the french colony in north america. He decided and ordered to have built a bigger post and fort for the location of Toronto. To help to grown Canada, stabilise the conflicts between pro french and pro english first nations in the area. Also to increase military presence and by this, settlement of ordinary people.

In October of 1751, the Fort is not complete, due to some worker who had been sick, but most building are up, made entierly of Oak. In accordance with the Ministere de la Marine Francaise, Fort Toronto is officially named Fort Rouillé.

A few years later, in 1953 Toronto would be the starting point for the French army on it’s way back in the Ohio valley. The thousand man strong force would be reinforcing three French Forts, called Venango, Le Bœuf and Presqu’Ile. The small garrisons had been protecting the Ohio valley, which always had been France King rightfull possesion.

The valley linking the country of Canada and Louisianna, and peace status between France and Britain, was know illegally invaded, by young Georges Washington then 21 year of age. He was Officer in the British Army under orders of Robert Dinwiddie, governor for Virginia who considered the Ohio has the thirteen english colonies possesion.

The expedionnary french corp quickly took care of him. Georges Washington had lost his first battle against the very foundators of Toronto, canadians and french. He was pushed back to Virgina, history is for fools…

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