


Well, strange way to title; but that is really what it is. Something that will not be reported by the ''mass medias'' in my area. Something we should all start to worry about. Since the article is not mine and there is not better word to descrive the situation, I will paste it and give full credit to his original author. And of course my own little comment add-on ...from the start.

Israel Aggressing Against Iran

By Philip Sherwell in New York
Last Updated: 10:38PM GMT 16 Feb 2009
published by www.telegraph.co.uk
the article pasted below along with the map was found on this site

The Daily Telegraph reports that Israel is covertly attacking Iran, since the efforts of the Israel Lobby have not yet been successful in getting America to attack Iran for them.

Israel has launched a covert war against Iran as an alternative to direct military strikes against Tehran’s nuclear programme, US intelligence sources have revealed.

It is using hitmen, sabotage, front companies and double agents to disrupt the regime’s illicit weapons project, the experts say.

The most dramatic element of the “decapitation” programme is the planned assassination of top figures involved in Iran’s atomic operations. (…)

They privately acknowledge the new US administration is unlikely to sanction an air attack on Iran’s nuclear installations and Mr Obama’s offer to extend a hand of peace to Tehran puts any direct military action beyond reach for now. (…)

Reva Bhalla, a senior analyst with Stratfor, the US private intelligence company with strong government security connections, said the strategy was to take out key people.

“With co-operation from the United States, Israeli covert operations have focused both on eliminating key human assets involved in the nuclear programme and in sabotaging the Iranian nuclear supply chain,” she said. (…)

Mossad was rumoured to be behind the death of Ardeshire Hassanpour, a top nuclear scientist at Iran’s Isfahan uranium plant, who died in mysterious circumstances from reported “gas poisoning” in 2007.

Other recent deaths of important figures in the procurement and enrichment process in Iran and Europe have been the result of Israeli “hits”, intended to deprive Tehran of key technical skills at the head of the programme, according to Western intelligence analysts.

“Israel has shown no hesitation in assassinating weapons scientists for hostile regimes in the past,” said a European intelligence official, speaking on condition of anonymity. They did it with Iraq and they will do it with Iran when they can.” (…)


Shows what a human nature is; put two humans together and you get war.

What can be done about one race's true nature?

Only dream.

Sleep well. But here is something that is not a dream.

The bright side of all is that maybe we will not die IN war, but we will all die FROM it. With the common usage of over 110 000 chemical(most created for war purposes) surrounding us daily(most toxic contained in plastic of all kind, toys, bottles,...) and rapidly killing male reproductive system(from 40 millions sperms per mililiter as normal in the 40's, standarts are not at 10 millions ''to keep every one as normal''.

With the rapid destruction of our habitat(and the fact no one care), with an increasing alarming birth defect and fertility clinic's popularity, our race will soon be classified in the column of ''endangered species''. Cancer is popular theses days. And justify more habitat killing ''for research, cures and good''(for money, power and luxury).

As usual, WE the people are left to be slaves and to watch it happen.


the full story here

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